Allows to make 10 bookings at any time. Valid for one year. It can be chared.
80,00 €
Coupon 10 mornings
Allows to make 10 bookings during the morning shedule. Valid for one year. It can be shared.
65,00 €
Single day
Access to the climing gym for a day. No time limit.
10,00 €
Single day discounted
For bookings with, at least, one of the following traits: Mornings (from 10:00h to 22:00h) / C. Jove, 6 to 16 y/o or +65 y/o...
8,00 €
Access to climbing gym for one day. For family groups (from 3 to 4 members). It is necessary to accredit bond at reception.
24,00 €
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