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6 - 9 years old:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
  • From 17:15 to 18:30

10 - 12 years old:

  • Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
  • From 18:30 to 20:00

12 - 17 years:

  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
  • From 18:30 to 20:00



Tuition: 40€

1 day / week: 42€ (2nd kid 36€)

2 days / week: 58€ (2nd kid 50€)


The ages are orientative. We recommend that a test class be done before choosing the most adequate group for the child. Each case is different and that is why we will pay attention to each one in a personalized way.

Test class: 12€.

Each child must bring from your personal climbing shoes. As long as they are not available, we will offer a pair without cost during the first month. From the second month on, they will be available for rent for 6€/month (once a week) or for 8€/month (twice per week). The rest of the necessary material (harness, helmet, etc.) will be provided from us. 




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