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We organize birthday parties for children from 6 years old.

90 minutes of activity with the possibility of renting the bar area for 1 more hour.


- Mondays to Fridays from 10h to 16h.

- Weekends from 10h to 20h.

6 children per instructor minimum.



Activity + Bar Area:

  • Activity 1h30min + bar area 30min.
  • Includes instructors and climbing equipment needed.
  • Includes pizza +  drink.
  • 15€ per child.
  • Receipt of 50% one week in advance.

Activity only:

  • Activity 1h30min.
  • Includes instructors and climbing equipment needed.
  • 12€ per child.


Bar Area:

  • Bar area rental for 2 hours.
  • 30€.


Receipt: Important to note that the activity is confirmed once half of the total amount is paid. The rest, the day of the activity.


Download birthday regulations and the invitation card below:

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